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The crossroads of attention in

working memory

Invited Participants

The workshop will count with 10 International Researchers and a maximum of 20 Swiss-based Researchers.

Here there is a list of the invited participants from abroad and from Switzerland.

Register to join the workshop!

29. June to 02. July, 2017 - Hotel Bains D’Ovronnaz, Switzerland


For other questions and comments email


This workshop was made possible by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. The organizers are also supported by the University of Zurich (Alessandra Souza) and the University of Geneva (Evie Vergauwe)

Attention in Working Memory


We can only hold in working memory (WM) a limited amount of information. This limits the complexity of the tasks that we can perform (which requires considering multiple pieces of information), and how well we can reason (which requires pondering different pieces of evidence).

In recent years, researchers have been interested in uncovering how attention can serve the efficient allocation of WM capacity. Three attentional processes have been described:

(1) Consolidation, which is the stabilization of a recently stored memory trace;

(2) Refreshing, that is the boost in activation following focusing of information in WM;

(3) Removal, that is the active process of getting rid of outdated information. Although theoretically distinct, these processes are assumed to yield similar improvements in WM, which make them difficult to tease apart. To move the field further we need a better understanding of the role of each of these processes (in isolation and in combination).

This workshop will bring together Swiss-based and international researchers investigating these processes. The goal is to get researchers to agree upon the exact implementation of these processes in WM to, on the one hand, allow new behavioral predictions to be delineated and, on the other hand, allow computational models of these processes to be created.

The workshop will yield a special issue featuring in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

This workshop is organized by Dr. Alessandra Souza & Dr. Evie Vergauwe.

International Exploratory Workshop
29. June - 02. July, 2017

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Consolidation, Refreshing, & Removal

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© 2017 by workshop organizers Alessandra Souza & Evie Vergauwe. Proudly created with 

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